Should I be concerned about overpowering my spkrs

I have a Krell 300i with 150 watts per side. I keep looking to buy a pair of the many detailed sounding mini's (B&W 805, Proac, Monitor Audio, Totem, Spendor). Many of the small speakers are rated to only take a 80W to 120W power amplifier. I don't really understand what will happen if I use the Krell with 150 watts. Will i damage the speakers?. Can I use this set-up as long as i don't push the volume too high?
Looking for some guidance?.......thanks
You are more likely to damage a speaker by underpowering it than overpowering it.
If you did "crank it up all the way", as Jtinn said, you would be more likely to hurt your speakers with a smaller amp. You can never have too much power!
