Open-Minded or Gullible?

Since recently joining this discussion group I have learned a few interesting things, reevaluated some of my opinions (biwireing), and marveled at a most astonishing collection of quasi-scientific mumbo jumbo. (Sorry about that).

Because I really would like to pick up some useful information, I need to have a feel for the degree of credibility to be given to comments made here. Should I really run out and spend $2000 on speaker cables because someone says they sound good?

I have suggested that we all have a limit to what we think might be true, or at least worth a try. Some, like me, are conservative: for example I believe that loudspeakers and phono pickups improve with initial use, but not wires. Others are more open-minded/gullible (you pick the word). I made an attempt to determine how "far out" the Audiogon opinion spectrum extends by asking a question that I thought would be near the limit.
"Do you think that reversing the direction of a cartridge fuse can affect sound quality?" Apparently not far enough!

8 of 17 people who responded to this question (some made other comments) think that reversing a fuse would (or could) make a difference.

What question should I ask next. Do granite shelves of equipment racks need breakin? I already know that some say yes. Does the air in the listening room need breakin? I don't dare ask. Instead why not have you guys tell me (us) where you draw the line, with a few examples near that line which you accept and reject.

Please no one take offense. I don't care what you choose to believe, and you ought to be proud to state your position.

You'd have a hard time getting a patent if the officer in charge is not an audiophile. After all, when a non-audiophile uses your "Rectal-Fire", he or she might just commonly refer it to a dildo.

And, you can't sue the DIY people even if you have a patent issued. Cuz, by virtue of how it is implemented, the "Rectal-Fire" is DIY all the way.

If you do get the patent thing, why don't you come out with the "TriRectal-Fire" too. Then, your family and friends can join in on the fun. And, it can double as an Argent Rooom Lens when it is not being occupied.

option + 2 = ™

option + r = ®

I love Macs too! After all Macs are the reason I can afford to be in this hobby.
Viggen - Great idea..everyone knows; "The family that splays together, stays together!!"

Gunbei - Thanks for the stroke-tips. Got G5? Did you get to see that movie that was online for a short while called "Petie's First Mac"? Allegedly it was done by a teenager and his mom with a video camera. The kid has his own site, but the film is not on it now. I'd bet Apple bought it from him. Madison Avenue could not have done it any better. The kid's so chipper and excited about getting his first mac, and his facial expressions are just so comic,... you just wanna slap him. Keep an eye out for it and download it if it comes up again (big file...something around 64mb if I recall).
