Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
Audio Note Kondo Gakuon and Zanden 9500 both are beter than all others by a big margin!
my favorite amp is the conrad johnson mv 125. by the way what is the purpose of this thread ?
Changing amps is kinda like having roving eye for us. I can afford to change amps every now and then, but not a wife
That is a good question. One purpose would be to identify some of the best amps available for consideration. What would be even more interesting to me is to identify the best amp you have owned and what three other amps you owned or compared them to; to provide some context and weight to a judgement. It is different to say Amp X is the best amp I heard, and the other amps you are familiar with are Arcam, Rotel, or NAD (nothing wrong with thes, but...) versus having owned/or having worthwhile familiarity with CAT, Atmasphere, or Lamm (or others of that ilk). To some extent, these types of contextualized judgements help assess the strength or relevance of the judgement, a type of listener IQ (don't in anyway mean to sound snobbish about this). Additionally, when anyone says that an amp blows everything out of the water, or incomparable to anything else, I immediately grow weary.