Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
I plan to keep my McCormack DNA-500 for life... really. Well, or until I replace it with something better - whichever comes first.

Seriously, I love this amp and right now everything else I own is more likely to be replaced sooner. But then, I haven't heard everything and there will undoubtedly be something I like better at some point. All part of this strange and wonderful hobby.
Pubul57 - I really didn't compete the Phi 300.1 "versus" other contenders per se. I knew when I auditioned it that it was right for my ears in my system, and have enjoyed it so much I haven't really felt the need to change from it, unless ordering a second one so I can mono them counts as changing.... I have had a VAC Ren Sig MKII for some time so I was pretty familiar and very happy with the "VAC sound" and working with Kevin is a delight, so this was just a logical step for me that I have been glad I made since the first moment...

FWIW my previous 2 amps were Dodd 120's and Moscode 401HR

Keeper for life? Who knows, but I really don't think about amps anymore..... :-)
Shoreline 1000watt tube monoblocks. They are the best amplifiers I ever heard. I think the retail on them now is close to 200,000.
My 30-year-old Kenwood Supreme 700m and 700c, amp and preamp, recently recapped throughout.