What's your goal in system setup?

What type of audiophile are you?

Type I
Simply just want to listen to good music and don't care much about system

Type II
Like good music but pay a lot of attention in detail. Try to build a nice sound system with different component matching

Type III
Like good music and good system. Pay a lot more attention on why things sound sound different from one component to another. Try to understand more in detail in terms of acoustics and electronics and how everything works.

Type IV
Similar to type III. Try to tweak and build each component from AC power stuff, CD player mod, amp and preamp mod, cables, stands... etc.

Is there any catagory I missed?
Based on the many threads I peruse and sometimes participate in here on audiogon, I only have one question: Are there really any Type B's?
I am generally a type II but I have had some type IV tendencies. I built my rack and all my power cords. Ultimately though I would rather turn things on and listen to music, once I get everything in place. I don't move my speakers around for each session or adjust my VTA after putting a micrometer on each LP.

Maybe I'm just an audionut. I spend too much time and money on things that aren't going to last anyway!
I probably fall into the third category, but the goal I have never disclosed to anyone is to make my system better and better until I achieve Nirvana and then die....
GOOD STUFF MARCO (Jax2)!!!!!....very entertaining. It must be fun in your world/mind....

If I "REALLY" do some deep soul searching and be honest about what type of audiophile I really am, I would say that I am a "Type I/Type II" hybrid. I love to listen to good music on a good system. I am one audiophile who happens to think that half of the fun of being in this hobby in the first place, is the journey that you take to reach your destination, if you catch my drift. By that, I mean that I love to take on the challenge of mixing, matching and experimenting with different components in pursuit of building a great system. But once that plateau has been reached (finally achieving great sound from an audio system that I have built with my own bare hands and my own "trial and error" and sweat), I then want to sit back, and enjoy the fruits of my labor, which is what I then would call getting great sound from great music (which what I hope is everything the artist has intended for the listener to hear.......... with nothing added or taken away......... but this is often easier said than done even with the VERY best of audio systems).

I hope that you haven't lost me here, and that this best answers your question.

Best Regards and Happy Listening!!!!!!!!
