Where is the best place for an auction?

First off I hope I am not breaking any rules here on 'Gon. I am about ready to sell my ARC PH 3se phono pre amp and I was wondering what's the best place to list the auction. I can only list it in one place. I would also like to know if I could-say I list on e-bay....could I place a "for sale" here on AudiogoN?? Or, perhaps....just say here in the forum that I have a phono for sale on e-bay?
I reccomend you first decide on your price and reserve price for auction. First run it on the Gon for your asking price plus a samll cushion and see if it sells. If not, put it on a auction site like Audioogn or E bay with reserve. Either way you must set a realistic price...ARC is on here all the time. How bad do you want to sell it? IMO, any others?
it all depends on how fast you need to sell the gear,
i have done over 100 deals at this point most of which were done on ebay.

ill give you an example,i listed a mint mcintosh mr7082 tuner on ebay & audiogon at the same time,within the first day the tuner was sold from ebay & out of over 500 hits to the ad on AG i recieved 1 email asking for more pics of the tuner.

i have found that if i have a peice that is really in demand & is mint then audiogon is the place beacuse the people are better informed & take closing a deal way more serious than ebayers.

on the other hand if i have a peice thats a dime a dozen or just in great shape then i use ebay,it seems that ebay has more buyers that are just starting out in hifi or are trying to rekindle their love for hifi & want a peice right now & are more apt to jump on a peice than on audiogon.

even though alot of people who are on audiogon are also on ebay the two are entirely different sites where buyers agendas are alltogether different.

in a nut shell if you need to get rid of a peice fast or just want it out of your hair then ebay is the ticket but if your peice has somthing about it that makes it really sought after than ag is the place.

1 important thing to remember is the fees for selling on ebay are not the same as audiogon,you can sell a peice for 2,000$ on audiogon for 3$ but the same sale on ebay will cost you 150$.
Rwd, List the component on Ebay and on Audiogon. On Audiogon, reference the item number (auction number) on Ebay using a "tagged url" so that interested individuals can see the component, description, and/or pictures. You can actually write the description for either site, and cut and paste the description onto either/or site.

On Ebay, clearly state that you are using other forms of advertisement in addition to Ebay, and that you reserve the right to end the auction early at any time, for any reason.

It is totally legal under Ebay guidlines. If you decide not to sell, or to not complete the auction on Ebay, you would simply cancel any existing bids, end the auction early, and your reason would be "the item is no longer for sale".
That terminology is actually in the Ebay drop dowm menu.

Hope this helps, Ed.