I can relate to your problem as I also live in a highrise. I would go with Kr4's suggestion, find out who's really complaining. In my case it was my upstairs neighbor. I sort of luck out (I have a corner unit also), the gentleman downstairs has hearing problems, my next door neighbor is always away on vacation, so that left only my upstairs neighbor. I actually went up and talked to him (after mgt. complained), and apologized. We worked out a schedule; I found out he and his wife always go to their home in NH. for the week-end, so that leaves me three days out of a week to blast my system all I want.
Find out who's really complaining, in a corner unit that only leaves three. If you have only one complainant, you might be able to work out something. My neighbor also told me his assigned parking spot, so whenever I want to play loud, I just peep out the window to see if he's home. I would've never known this unless I talked to him, and almost kissed this hobby good-bye. Good-luck and hope you can work out something with your neighbors.
I can relate to your problem as I also live in a highrise. I would go with Kr4's suggestion, find out who's really complaining. In my case it was my upstairs neighbor. I sort of luck out (I have a corner unit also), the gentleman downstairs has hearing problems, my next door neighbor is always away on vacation, so that left only my upstairs neighbor. I actually went up and talked to him (after mgt. complained), and apologized. We worked out a schedule; I found out he and his wife always go to their home in NH. for the week-end, so that leaves me three days out of a week to blast my system all I want.
Find out who's really complaining, in a corner unit that only leaves three. If you have only one complainant, you might be able to work out something. My neighbor also told me his assigned parking spot, so whenever I want to play loud, I just peep out the window to see if he's home. I would've never known this unless I talked to him, and almost kissed this hobby good-bye. Good-luck and hope you can work out something with your neighbors.