Wattage is a strange thing.
I just got back from seeing Harry Potter at the IMAX. They boast of having 12,000 watts and 6 channels.
My two channel 4 ohm speaker set-up has 2400 watts.
A pair of Cello Strad. Grand Masters driven by bridged Performance amps has 12,000 watts.
A pair of Klipshorns can be driven to deafening levels with five watts.
Wattage is a strange thing.
I just got back from seeing Harry Potter at the IMAX. They boast of having 12,000 watts and 6 channels.
My two channel 4 ohm speaker set-up has 2400 watts.
A pair of Cello Strad. Grand Masters driven by bridged Performance amps has 12,000 watts.
A pair of Klipshorns can be driven to deafening levels with five watts.