I also sympathize with you but you are fighting a losing battle.Change the subject and don,t waste a "good fire poking night" on a people that have the "best rack system" money can buy and even brag about it.To each his own.
Lugnut sums it up well.
I get frustrated when friends/co workers who ask my opinion on audio equipment ,who think I'm some sort of an authority because I own audio equpiment that no one has heard of,and then shrug me and my suggests off with answers like....
...I don't need THAT kind of equipment..
...no,I'm only looking to spend $200 on a complete system..
...500 on a cd player..ARE YOU CRAZY!!
... you are right..I'm going down to Radio Shack and buy the best system they have....
...How Much!!!..no way that would definitely cut into my beer money.
and then climb into their $40,000 car and speed away..go figure!!
Do yourself a BIG favour and just enjoy this great hobby that only the gifted (..lol..) understand.
Lugnut sums it up well.
I get frustrated when friends/co workers who ask my opinion on audio equipment ,who think I'm some sort of an authority because I own audio equpiment that no one has heard of,and then shrug me and my suggests off with answers like....
...I don't need THAT kind of equipment..
...no,I'm only looking to spend $200 on a complete system..
...500 on a cd player..ARE YOU CRAZY!!
... you are right..I'm going down to Radio Shack and buy the best system they have....
...How Much!!!..no way that would definitely cut into my beer money.
and then climb into their $40,000 car and speed away..go figure!!
Do yourself a BIG favour and just enjoy this great hobby that only the gifted (..lol..) understand.