That nice, unforced, relaxed, easeful sound ??

I'm working on getting more of this !!
Are you getting it, or are you still trying ?
Be careful, not all recorded music and I mean well-recorded music is nice, unforced, relaxed and easeful. Violins, brass, drums, pianos, guitars (both electric and acoustic) and certain vocalists can all sound aggressive, shrill, edgy and downright upleasant. A high end system should be able to accurately produce whatever is feed into it.
I completely agree with Marco.

Carelessly applied, a laxative can create colonic trauma resulting in an uneven stream of fecal expulsion and'or volume sometimes interrupted by varying quantities of intestinal gases.

Judging by the thread title, I'm assuming this would be contrary to the desired effect.

Promoting healthy evacuations through proper diet and the use of fiber enhancers can create an environment of large, free-flowing movements without excess collateral residue or loud frequency spikes accompanying them.

If it was sound systems you were referring to, I enjoy mating a tube preamp to a smooth solid state amp which often results in a big, unrestrained musical flow.
Just don't get the two pieces of thoughtful advice from my green pal Gunbei mixed up and apply the Metamucil to your preamp. I tried it once and I don't recommend the method to obtain either result that Dean describes. Conversely you don't want to apply the power amp to your nether regions. Don't ask me how I know that, it's really embarrassing!

O.K., since all the comedians are here !!
Should I *apply* Metamucil to the (FRONT-END) ??
I knew the tech forum was the right place for this thread !!