Nice review of the best rooms at CES... As always, a very educational and enjoyable time
I would like to add a couple of components which added to the quality of the ESP and BAT rooms you mention. Power devices were provided by the dynamic and non-coloring Running Springs Audio power devices, cabling by provided by Cardas Audio and Cable Tower cable supports completed the accessories list.
I also felt AudioPax room was outstanding as well. What were your thoughts?
Nice review of the best rooms at CES... As always, a very educational and enjoyable time
I would like to add a couple of components which added to the quality of the ESP and BAT rooms you mention. Power devices were provided by the dynamic and non-coloring Running Springs Audio power devices, cabling by provided by Cardas Audio and Cable Tower cable supports completed the accessories list.
I also felt AudioPax room was outstanding as well. What were your thoughts?