How good is the Shunyata Venom Silver A/C outlet?

I thought my Wattgate A/C outlet was expensive, but I just saw a Venom A/C Outlet in the 2005 Musicdirect catalog listing for $195! Can this outlet really be that good? Thanks! Stan
My request for more information on the receptacle from Hubbell has remained unanswered; perhaps it just went to the wrong person (the Hubbell "contact us" e-mail on the website). Here's an interesting site selling cryoed red Hubbell 5262's for $10.95 (that is a great price on that receptacle even un-cryoed if you can tolerate the red):

Might make for an interesting comparison. My educated guess is that the the unplated 5262 would sound a little more organic than the Shunyata, which should be a little more up front and have a perceived sense of more air and a bit more "exciting" presentation with the rhodium and silver plating.

Don't forget to switch the freezer plug over to the other half of your receptacle about halfway through the 45 days as both halves break in separately! Have fun!
Well, I just bought one a month ago. Hydra (original)version is connected to it. I could not tell any sonic differnece between venom outlet and $20 hubell outlet. My equipments are B&W 801, Wadia 861 and Aragon Palladium Mono. I did not make any comparison with the $1.29 standard outlet. So.. would I buy it? No. Would I use $1.29 outle? No. Go with $20. Spend the rest of the money to a dedicated 20 amp outlet.
Shunyata is redesigning the Venom outlet. I ordered one yesterday and they said it will be on back order till the newly redesigned one comes out. I have a Wattgate 381 installed for my amp which is a Theta Dreadnaught II. It made a big difference. It lowered the noisefloor and it sounds quicker, tighter and more musical. I wanted to try a Shunyata Venom to plug my Hydra 6 into. I guess I will patiently wait for the new Venon Outlet to come out. Though I could grow impatient and get another Wattgate. I wonder how the experiment in comparing the 2 outlets has turned out?


I was curious how that Venom outlet is working out for you in your system.
Hi Sherod, I had the old style Shunyata Venom Silver outlet. I sold it about 6 months ago and replaced it with another Wattgate 381. Presently, I have one Isoclean ICP-002J outlet for my sources and three Wattgate 381 outlets for my Pass Labs gear--(preamp and two monoblock amps). What I found, when used to feed my preamp, was that the Wattgate resolved better, was more extended at the frequency extremes, had better dynamics and was smoother. The Shunyata Venom Silver outlet was a little more musical with better texture, but the textured sound was slightly aggressive. In my system the Wattgates seem to work better. I am using an original Shunyata Hydra to feed my sources and I have a Shunyata Anaconda Alpha Helix powercord between my Isoclean outlet and the Hydra. I like Shunyata gear very much, but their outlet just didn't work that well in my system. Best wishes. Stan