I still like my Audionote Kageki amps, although these days, I use a modern version of a Western Electric 133 pushpull amp (uses Western Electric transformers, vintage caps and resistors, and Western Electric 348 and 349 tubes). This amp has 600 ohm input transformers which work well with my linestage which has 600 ohm output transformers.
I recently heard a one of a kind OTL amp that was simply amazing--very dynamic and fast, but still quite smooth and free from brittleness. This is one of the best amps I've heard, but, it takes up WAY too much room and WAY too much $$$.
I recently heard a one of a kind OTL amp that was simply amazing--very dynamic and fast, but still quite smooth and free from brittleness. This is one of the best amps I've heard, but, it takes up WAY too much room and WAY too much $$$.