Good suggestions provided already, particularly regarding first reflection points which is the first area to tame.
You need to try all different potentials with room treatments, and without knowing your equipment, wall type, room size and materials, etc, it's not possible to recommend much. Many people like the live wall / dead wall set-up. You have to try everything depending on your room situation.
I have Martin Logans 4 feet from a hard wall surface, and the backwave was a killer. 2 2x2 auralex 2inch absorbing panels has been very effective in allowing me to turn up the volume much louder without the speakers glaring at me.
Bass traps are hugely effective depending on your room. I have 4 inches of the same absorbing panels all around the upper intersection of the room, and bass traps in the corners. Also have absorbing panels at first reflection point on the ceiling. I'll have to put up pictures some time soon. Is it effective - unbelievably - is it done yet - never.
I put everything up with the long push pins from Staples so I can move them around when I have nothing better to do, and to see what the effect is. Sometimes even moving a few inches makes a huge difference.