Magnets on cables?

I recently tried an experiment just for fun and I ended up with great results. I put multiple sets of two very strong magnets, facing each other so that they are attracted to each other, on any given cable (power, interconnect or speaker). These are the magnets I used.
I had the most noticeable results with interconnects and speaker cables but I also got good results inside my SACD player, on the internal wires. I don't know all of the technical terms but to me it made the sound fuller and smoother. Since the price of the magnets is low, I would recommend getting 10 pairs and try them in different locations and in different combinations. I would love some feedback to let me know whether I am just imagining the differences or not.
There is a thread somewhere about "faster than light" cables that were designed by god and explained to some audiogoner in his dreams. God wants you to have the better cables, more than he wants somolians to have food. (sorry. couldnt resist ;) )

Anyways, they had something to do with magnets on the cables. it gets pretty interesting sometimes, never saw much in the way of explanation though, honestly i was more interested in the controversy. You oughtta look for it and check it out.
Did you remove the magnets from the brackets as it suggests? or just clamp the whole schlabang on?
These forums are very helpful. I have always wondered what was the correct spelling of schlabang. Thanks Slappy.
The cables that Slappy, ever so articulately describes are Virtual Dynamics. I have met the owner and was very impressed by his products. I have two of his cords right now.

Who are we to argue his experience. I did not see anyone teasing the author of the thread that suggested some of the 70's rock stars were creating such great music because of the influence of drugs and alcohol. Drugs and booze are okay, but God is out??? I prefer to think that God would add more to creativity than drugs or booze, but then again look at Slappy! : )

I still love you Slappy : )
Well, if God was gonna have a "earthly" hobby, im sure this would be it. He is definatly in the right tax bracket to afford such outrageously priced gear. LOL