CD player plays some CDs, not others.

I need a little advice here. My Denon player (8 years old) will play most CDs just fine, but now and then certain CDs, which played just fine before, will no longer play. The display reads Track 01, and that is all. I can skip to track 02 but it still will not play. If I put in another CD, it will play. Then if I go back to the other CD, it will not read the CD. These are CDs that will play in my Sony Walkman, but for some reason my Denon is not able to read them anymore. They are in good shape, clean, and had played in the past. Is the laser shot?? Need a new player?? ALong those lines, what quality can I get in the $500-$600 range, single play or changer. I like Denon, but will try any other recommended to me. Thanks in advance. Al on Cape Cod
Treat yourself to a new player, and send you Denon to get cleaner or fixed. If you have a lot of CD's get one of the 200 CD carrousel players. The inexpensive Sony is just fine, and you can daisychain three for a total of 600 CD's playable with one remote control. Cost about $250 each. Of course I have some other single play CD players, but I only use it for new releases until I get "over" them enough to stick them in the carrousel. AND they'll never get borrowed, dirty or stolen again!!!!!!!!! For a single CD player, the Sony XA20ES uses the same system as the $3000 XA7ES, fixed laser with moving disk, but you should be able to purchase it for around $600. None better at that price range. Period.
I was in the same trouble (7 years ago)and decided to change. What about the California Audio Lab? Here possible to get at 700$ and sounds good.
Well, First try a cleaner cd. then if no improvement, try very carefully to clean the lens manually, by a drip of pure alcohol 96%. let it dry and make sure no particles is left. Remove every dustparticles you can see from the other moving parts. Try to play the cd's in vertical, horizontal and other modes, if one mode is better you have a mounting or balancing problem. If nothing works... Burry it in the garden and fuhgeddaboudit ! :-)