Tubes for Top, SS for Bottom--Good Idea?

Ok, now I want the straight dope. Lots of people talk about the benefits of vertical biamping over horizontal, especially when two amps are involved. Of course, I'd prefer two Krell monoblocks per side if I could afford it. However, I can't and I've got two solid (perreaux 2150B) and one tube (Dyna St-70). Will my system sound better or worse if I use the dyna for the highs, Perreaux for the lows? If better, then how do I go about this?
Yes it is a good idea . go to for more information also NHT ( ? ) for great articles on bi amping. If your speakers are bi amp ready great and your amp has a volume control . or you will need an electronic crossover. The vtl website has a great easy to understand explanation. PS The VTL ST 150 ROCKS !
I guess the question isn't so much is biamping a good it is "is biamping using tubes on top, ss on bottom a good idea." I looked at the VTL site and it appears that they triamped using the same amps...which seems logical to me. It strikes me that because ss is faster than tubes, than the music could be slightly out of phase...this besides the gain problems...but I'm no expert so I don't know if that's the case. Also, I'm wondering if adding an active crossover really robs the system of lots of transparency.