I'm thinking of a Bottlehead 2A3 kit.

Has anyone built the "Paramour" 2A3 tube amp kit from bottlehaed.com? I'm thinking of getting it. Yes, I know it only comes with the Chinese 2A3's, but I could maybe get better 2A3's later. As for the low power output, I plan on either buying or building (or both) speakers of high efficiency in the future (already have some 91 dB, as well as some PA ones I built a decade ago, besides small Maggies and "monitors"). And considering I have two other very satisfying amps already, I'm not buying a 2A3 amp because I want to blow the windows out of the neighbor's house a quarter mile away........What I want to know is, is there any possibility that this amp kit is "really bad", "won't work", comes without instructions or full parts compliment, etc?..................And yes, I know many of you like Dynaco amps, but I already have a Rogue 88 that's terrific, and since this Paramour kit is so cheap, I do really want to build it. Should I? The picture looks very nice to me...
Please, somebody go ask if there's anybody out there, that knows somebody, that might have heard of someone who has heard of someone else, who might have possibly built one of these amps. Thanks much.....Carl
I have built their B-glows, but not Paramour. When you order, they will tell you what you will need to built the kits. The kit basically come with all the parts except wires. I would guess all you need are tools and solders. But call they to be sure. By the way, B-glow is very easy to built for a complete beginner like me. Paramour is probably easier.
Doesn't BottleHead have it's own website with a discussion forum? You might want to try audioasylum.com, they have a very active DIY thread.