Replacing my tweeters a good idea?

I have a pair of infinity Delta 70 loudspeakers. They have 2x8" 1 6" 1 4" and a metal tweeter. They image superbly, and set a good soundstage. People think infinity are bad, but they are great in my ears, apart from the metal dome tweeter. It gets a bit harsh on some recordings. Is it possible that i could replace the tweeters with something else, say dynaudio tweeters? would it be worht the trouble? I am not getting new speakers.. so dont bother trying to say that. :P thanks
The cables in question are marketed by a company called "MobileSpec" and come with a limited lifetime warranty. As to the specific model name or number, i don't have that handy. If someone was truly interested in these, they can email me and i will find out the specifics. I can also provide testimonials / references from people that have used them with great results in terms of "taming" a bright / sibilant system and converting it into something that is far more musical and enjoyable. As to your comments pertaining to me being a "magazine reader" and limited in my scope of things audio related, you might want to broaden your own horizons before throwing stones at others. Sean >
The real problem is when i am listening to CD's and when they sing high frequencies such as S or T it comes accross very harsh and seems to linger for a while rather than stop[ping immediately. you know what im talking about? thanks for the input guys
Drop me an email. I've got something that will take care of that problem at no risk to your wallet. Sean >
$64K question: How could you ever ascertain where my horizons are, or aren't??? You know almost nothing about me... It does cause me to wonder that from your overly defensive and sensitive reaction to the comment, you may indeed be one of those magazine readers. But hey, if the shoe fits, wear it. Regarding the $20 interconnects, there is always a roster spot on my cable revolution team. However, testimonials and references mean little without knowing who and where they are coming from. Too much BS out there. I have an extremely low tolerance for BS artists. Information is only as good as the source. If it comes from someone I know from this site, then I put great stock in it. I trust these people immensely. Their record speaks for itself. We are blessed with incredibly diverse, intelligent, and in-tune Audiogon members.
I don't come here to flame. Between what you posted about not visiting other audio sites and then looking at your Audiogon "feedback" file, it appeared that you were not an active tweaker / experimenter / gear-head. That's not a problem with me, as everybody has different priorities in life and their systems. If i jumped to conclusions, i appologize. As it is, I'm out of this thread. It has gone nowhere for quite a while now. Shabadoo will have some interconnects probably sometime late next week. We'll let him pass judgement as to whether or not it will take care of his problem. Hopefully, it will do what he's looking for. Best wishes and good listening. Sean >