Solution for TV between speakers?

Like many of you my sound system is in the living room out of necessity. The speakers are well out in the room and the audio rack is set outside the speakers. Unfortunately, there is no place to put the 27" TV except between the speakers. Experimentation has shown next to the wall is the best spot. The stand is a C-stand which has a 5-legged base with a question mark shaped vertical post on which a shelf for the TV is attached. It was selected for its minimal mass and "art deco" look. Being at the point of tuning the room an idea occured to me and I'm curious if anyone else has tried it. The idea is to make a cloth "tube" lined with Sonex that would be wrapped around the TV and stand. This would make a floor length column ~4' high that would hopefully not only deaden any reverberations and reflections from the TV and stand, but also serve as a front wall treatment. Kind of like an oversized tube trap. Ideally it would open flat so it could be hung on the wall when the TV is in use. That way it would serve the secondary purpose of deadening the wall for HT (about 10% of the time). Anyone tried anything like this? Comments?
I use a lot of non-audiophile items in our living room to compensate for reflective surfaces. The wall behind the speakers is solid books from 12 inches from the floor to a half a foot from the ceiling. The bookshelves are shallow 5" standards and are not enclosed to the wall, so their are no closed pockets to resonate. This worked out until we decided to hang and orphaned painting (that has lived in a closet since its purchase) over the books. The painting in rather large (24" x 48") and is done on Masonite) when it went up it really messed with the HF's, but I like the painting there and we have no other available wall space for it. My wife gave me a nice piece of fabric to drape over the painting when I listen to the system and though the sound is not quite as good as the irregular surface of the books it still sounds almost there and was a simple fix. I just bunch it at the top of the frame otherwise and it looks fine. On the wall that the TV and a collection of family photos under glass are located I use two (detail painted) store displays made from some type of foam core that are in the shapes of the Empire State and Chrysler buildings. They are free standing and are from four to five feet tall. This wall is also 90% books and the rest nicknacks including the photos. The "buildings" are placed before and after the TV and glass frames and though they do not cover the objects seem to put a major dent in most of the reflections. Since we cleaned the place up for the holidays I have not been able to use my "rubble in a corner" treatment to tame bass response, but a chair at an angle does the trick just as well. I used my godsons basketball for a while with positive results as well. I am not saying that the store displays and basketballs, etc. perform anywhere near as well as tube traps, etc., but those without freestanding buildings can first attempt remedying acoustics with the furnishings that they have at hand. Also sometimes when I am alone I throw a small blanket from the sofa over the TV just as George does as I do not stare at the TV when I listen to music (anymore). Pretty soon we will be replacing the "giant fruit" shower curtain that covers the glass patio doors with sheers. I can't wait to hear what they sound like. I could probably get away with tube traps as well in our living room as they would not stand out that much, but I am not "yet" willing to go for the added expense. For the meantime I just make use of what we have and try to have a little fun with it.
PS: FPeel: I located the plastic polish company on the web today and they are still in business (the old phone # was no longer good). I will pick up a bottle the next time we go down to the South Bay. I could not locate the old thread, and will just email you after I am able to test it.
I have a totally different solution to this problem. I too use surround sound incorporated within my stereo system and own a large screen Pioneer Television. My best sound is to remove the TV completely from between the speakers, and I do so by employing rollers on the bottom of the TV, allowing it to be placed against the side wall. In this position there is no negative effect in the stereo imaging, and with a long coaxial connected, the TV produces images from the DSS and DVD in either position (wall or center). Many manufacturers, such as Sound Anchors, can custom manufacturer stands to any requirement you have. This and rollers are a simple and inexpensive solution, and much more effective than trying to remove the imaging obstacle using acoustic treatment.
A while ago a friend who has same situation aggravated with a entertainment center type of furniture to hold his TV (already moved the audio gear to independent heavy small racks... commented that he still had problems with sound. Since the furniture was a gift from his wife he got stuck with it... So I suggested to install drapes in the furniture (through brackets and creativity) and for his listening sessions he just pull the cord to close the drapes and his wife contributed by the drape selection. As you know TV's do not contribute too much to decor and partially this set up is an eye caatcher distracting attention from the audio gear.... Regards
I have similar situation. It helped to pull the speakers as far as possible forward into the room and to move a far apart as you can while maintaining good imaging. I also bought a Tact RCS 2.0 room correction processor and that made a significant improvement in terms of better imaging and articulation of the sound.