
A question for anyone who is using an "upsampler".
Do all, or most of your CD's sound better than before, and more importantly, do your best sounding CD's still sound the best,and your worst sounding CD's still sound the worst?
(even if they all sound better than before).
Dan 2112, I agree, it is a matter of semantics, and the digital designers that were contacted last summer (see above) also agreed that the difference between upsampling and over-sampling is purely semantic-- and to some extent "marketing hype" . Bpgtt's numbers are pretty confusing. Increasing the sample rate of a digital stream is based on the Sony/Phillips Red Book for CDs which specifies a 16 bit word length sampled at a rate of 44.1 kHZ. The word length cannot be increased without adding dither (noise). As to the sample rate, it can be whatever the designer wants, or deems desireable. But 8X oversampling has been used since the early to mid '80s, even in inexpensive CD players, ie it is not new technology, and re-naming it "up-sampling" does not make it so. An "upsampled" value such as 192 kHZ cannot then be "oversampled"-- unless you just want to play word games. Rather than beat this to death again, please, please, please look up the past threads on: "upsampling", "what the heck is Resolution Audio", and "up and over sampling". There are direct quotes from leading digital designers such as Jeff Kalt of Resolution Audio, and Kevin Halverson of Muse Electronics. I am certainly not an expert on this subject, and what I know is what was learned in the threads last summer. And yes, I also contacted Madrigal Audio, who had released a position paper on the subject in layman's terms. I agree that Bpgtt is right on when he says (paraphrasing) go out and listen and let your ears be the judge. It seems to me that the sound/music quality differences among competing digital components has more to do with the method of implementation, and parts and build quality. I have not heard dCS gear, but would expect it to be excellent. I find my Levinson gear to be excellent also. Cheers (I hope). Craig
....BTW, Kevin Halverson also released an excellent position paper on this subject. To address Hornby's question, I would only say that "upsamplers" such as MSB, Bel Canto, dCS, and others are essentially similar to any outboard DAC, and there are many. Pick your price and as Bpgtt says, let your ears be the judge. Craig
Rcprince (as usual) and all the others seem to be dead right!
I use the ML 30.6 and the 31.5 for digital and adding the Purcell to the chain did not make bad CD's sound much better, but also certainly not worse. With good CD's there was a fantastic improvement in clarity, resolution, soundstage, presence, dynamics. Cabling is indeed important. I am happy with the Purist Dominus. I found the computer in the Purcell sometimes a little tricky to handle. After occasional power failures the unit was difficult to reprogram, behaving in an erratic fashion. It took time and patience. But we are used to that from computers, I guess.....
You might want to audition the Accuphase DP-75V player which upsamples to 24/192; it's stunning. J10 reviewed it in 'Phile a couple of months ago. After hearing it at length, I've decided to upgrade to that player. After hearing the Sony SCD-1, I'm not prepared to buy into SACD, which many consider the "ultimate" CD playback format. I don't find it that much better than upsampling, and in some cases, I think SACD is less. I'm not buying a remastered remaster of something I already have. IMO, SACDs should be DSD to disc, not fold downs of earlier recordings, to bring out all the nuances of the format. Also, I'm not enthralled with most SACD releases to date, particularly at $25 per. For me, the Accuphase DP-75V is the future.