Power Conditioner for your amplifier?

Lately, I've been toying with the idea of trying a power conditioner on my amplifier (ARC VT-100 MkII). I know there has been much written about going straight into the wall with your amp (which is what I am doing currently), but has anyone had any luck with plugging your amplifier into a conditioner? Specifically, I've been thinking of a non-limiting device, such as a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet or a UPC-200.
Has anyone had success using a power conditioner on your amplifier - yes / no? Any thoughts and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. In advance, thanks, and happy listening!
Thank you very much for this info.
Both of you have outstanding systems and yet they are completely different.As I am in the market for a conditioner and an upgrade on two power cords I thought it would be wise to solicit your preference.
In the past have exchanged e:mails with Mark re his Corona's and with Jeffrey @ HWS re the cords he has.A decision will be forth coming.
Thank you again for your reply's
I have two B.M.C. M2s plugged into the High Fidelity Cables Waveguide power center using the HFC URR pcs to them and to the Waveguide. I have never heard anything that can compare with this.
Norm,I'm sure I would agree if i had the oppertunity to hear these components.However they still would be way above my budget.
I do appreciate your posts here and over at WBF.
I have a Pass X350.5, I didn't like the X350.8. But to each his own...
Anyway, I tried so many, many power conditioners with this amp including many that have been mentioned in this thread.
I found that just using a dedicated line with Furutech outlet and a high quality power cord gives me the best results.
However, I do have plugged in to that outlet a Nordost QV2.