Power Conditioner for your amplifier?

Lately, I've been toying with the idea of trying a power conditioner on my amplifier (ARC VT-100 MkII). I know there has been much written about going straight into the wall with your amp (which is what I am doing currently), but has anyone had any luck with plugging your amplifier into a conditioner? Specifically, I've been thinking of a non-limiting device, such as a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet or a UPC-200.
Has anyone had success using a power conditioner on your amplifier - yes / no? Any thoughts and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. In advance, thanks, and happy listening!
I have two B.M.C. M2s plugged into the High Fidelity Cables Waveguide power center using the HFC URR pcs to them and to the Waveguide. I have never heard anything that can compare with this.
Norm,I'm sure I would agree if i had the oppertunity to hear these components.However they still would be way above my budget.
I do appreciate your posts here and over at WBF.
I have a Pass X350.5, I didn't like the X350.8. But to each his own...
Anyway, I tried so many, many power conditioners with this amp including many that have been mentioned in this thread.
I found that just using a dedicated line with Furutech outlet and a high quality power cord gives me the best results.
However, I do have plugged in to that outlet a Nordost QV2.
To me 350.8 had better dynamics,better stage etc they are both great amps. I don't have dedicated lines i do however have my amp on one line preamp,cd,and turntable on another line with FIM outlets and Furutech covers.My amp sounds much better through the Audience 6TSSD.