"Tweaks" vs. Audiophiles

Back in 1985 Ed Metiner accused me of being an audiophile rather than a tweak. He was right, the more bizarre stories I heard of folks doing the strangest damn things to improve their sound, the more I was convinced the "tweaks" were outta their minds. Pouring concrete pillar to to use as a turntable stand, freezing wires, supposedly hearing differences in power cords, placing quarters on our speakers, spraying stuff on CD's, all kinds of strange behaviour. I had a good system, and figured fooling around with set up, wires, etc was plainly a waste of time and money, I enjoyed listening to the system, if it ain't broke...
Fast forward to today, where I'm tweaking and trying various things to see what kind of effect it has on my system. No, I haven't poured a pillar yet or froze anything, but tweaking is cheap and it's fun. Recently I built an amp stand out of 4X4 lumber, and put some new electrical outlets in. Having just built my first set of balanced interconnect, then carefully drilling holes through the joists in my basement to run them over to my amp, I got thinking. To be in this hobby requires a certain amount of tools and ability/willingness to use 'em. So, have I crossed over to the dark side and become a tweak? Ed would be proud...Jeff
Albert, your response was exquisitely eloquent and thought-provoking. Thank you very much.
Jeff, the best thing about this hobby is that you have nobody to answer to, but you. Whatever floats your boat!
If you feel that doing a headstand while blowing your nose exactly 3 feet in front of your left speaker is the closest thing to audio nirvana, go for it and god bless ya. This ain't a team sport! If you feel you are a tweek now, I guess you are a tweek. Just enjoy it and God bless.....
you're nearly there, jeff, but not quite. drills and spanners, soldering irons and blow torches are obvious necessities. it's only when you appreciate the need to rent a ditch witch for 48 hours that marks you as a tweaker's tweaker. or so i've heard. -kelly