Budget system recommendations

If you needed to build a second system for yourself or a friend what would you recommend in the areas of amp, pre-amp, and speakers? This system would be a compilation of USED components. The budget is $1200. What percentage would you recommend for each of the three components?
What components would you recommend for the system?
Thank you for your suggestions
If you look hard enough you can find Acoustat speakers for $400. They're too big to ship and lots of people dont have space for them. IMHO there is no deal around that even comes close. Then maybe find a used rega 'mira' integrated (950 new so maybe goes for 600 used? ive never heard it but got a good review in stereophile 4/01, recommended and class B) Connect a portable cd and shazam! you aint got shit. but you didnt go over budget. j/k, i think this system would rock for the bucks. and what's nice about it is you'll keep the speakers forever and when you get a bit more cash find a used rega planet cd player ($800 new so $500 used?) and it'll match the mira. plus it'll all look like it costs thousands)
CAL DX-2, Acurus Dia integrated amp and Alon Petite monitors. Should do the lot for under $1,000, leaving a little for cables/stands.
Alternatives, CD - Marantz CD67 allowing for direct input to a power amp, Amp - Creek 4330.
Thanks for the great suggestions. I am framiliar with some suggestions and look forward to checking out the others. I really appreciate the responses. I am going to take my time with this so continued suggestions will be taken under consideration.
The only multi-channel suggestions intrigues me. Should one consider DVD-A or SACD input options?
If you are interested in the Cambridge CD Players the best deal on-line is at Northampton Audio / Spearit Sound (just add .com to either name, no spaces). Free shipping. The D300SE is $289 and the D500SE is $389. These are new. I highly recommend spending the extra $100 for the D500SE. I also can recommend the dealer. I have bought from them off and on for 25 years.
Maxcast: This will not get you good sound right away, but if you have "any" kind of CD player (even a Walkman) that you can use in the meantime, you might want to hold out for one of the upcoming low cost CD/SACD/DVD players that may be on the market in the next 3-6 months. Even if you do not get into multi channel sound you should still be able to take advantage of the DVD feature (if you have a compatible TV), plus have the option of playing SACD's. Will the new models sound any good? I don't know, but you will kick yourself if they do sound good and end up costing the same as the CD players that you are looking at now. You can still build the rest of the system in the meantime and if the new combo players suck, then pick up one of the suggestions above or something else that you like. I am just suggesting this because you seem to be on such a tight budget. I also am holding off on upgrading my player/transport to see what becomes available, as I am interested in adding SACD to my system (DVD does not interest me). I figure that once the low cost players hit the market the software will become readily available (unless the companies are intending on commiting marketing suicide, which I doubt that they are).