Detlof's in jail. When he threw the mono pair of his Jadis 500 out of the window, they happened to land on the Audi RS4 of Gianni S., twin brother of well known personality in these parts. Gianny supplies the town with Flittchens, which he floats down the Rhine on a special sub past immigration at Bale. Seems that Detlof ordered a couple but ran amok , just as G. was about to deliver. In the ensuing fight, so the local paper has it, Detlof hit G. on the head with his Goldmund Reference and then, obviously in remorse, tried to reanimate him with the help of the transformers he had ripped out of one of his Quads. Instead of getting his heart back into action, seems that G. caught fire, which however D. managed to choke with his room damping material. When finally the police arrived, he almost fried one officer by using the other Quad as a frame for his head. They finally subdued him by tying him up with his Nordosts and took him away.