Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??

Anyone ever read about this audio critic? his site is at but for the real deal go there and scroll down to 'audio critique' and click on that link and you will not be able to stop reading. i recommend reading his 'philosophy' first and then his 'recommended components list' - although i know you guys will reverse that order; it was worth a try.
This guy has some very interesting things to say about audio and has really gotten hot and heavy with the top magazines and he's published his heated correspondences with them and you'll love it.
Please comment here after reading about this guy.
Gregm now you're trying to butter *ME* up by mentioning tom waits!? how low will you sink to get your hands on poor detlof's system?
Detlof's in jail. When he threw the mono pair of his Jadis 500 out of the window, they happened to land on the Audi RS4 of Gianni S., twin brother of well known personality in these parts. Gianny supplies the town with Flittchens, which he floats down the Rhine on a special sub past immigration at Bale. Seems that Detlof ordered a couple but ran amok , just as G. was about to deliver. In the ensuing fight, so the local paper has it, Detlof hit G. on the head with his Goldmund Reference and then, obviously in remorse, tried to reanimate him with the help of the transformers he had ripped out of one of his Quads. Instead of getting his heart back into action, seems that G. caught fire, which however D. managed to choke with his room damping material. When finally the police arrived, he almost fried one officer by using the other Quad as a frame for his head. They finally subdued him by tying him up with his Nordosts and took him away.
Katharina, LOL! Thanks for making my day brighter (it's day in these parts).

Must get the poor guy out of the can...

Kubla, I'm running out of butter... Pls tell me where Detlof's stashed whatever's left of his system. I'll use that as a down-payment for Cornfed.
I'm only doing this for Detlof, you know ;~)
Gregm, good point. In fact, I didn't sleep at all last night.
And what are flittchens? Do I want one?
katharina, just before i signed on here i noticed a little blurb about that on my msn homepage. where is detlof now? did someone post his bail? i told you guys something like this was going to happen but does anyone listen? NOoooo. kubla, you're crazy, kubla you're paranoid. NOW look! worse than i imagined for sure.

katharina, any updates you have are greatly appreciated. thanks for keeping us in the loop.