Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??

Anyone ever read about this audio critic? his site is at but for the real deal go there and scroll down to 'audio critique' and click on that link and you will not be able to stop reading. i recommend reading his 'philosophy' first and then his 'recommended components list' - although i know you guys will reverse that order; it was worth a try.
This guy has some very interesting things to say about audio and has really gotten hot and heavy with the top magazines and he's published his heated correspondences with them and you'll love it.
Please comment here after reading about this guy.
Gregm you are a fountain of historic knowledge. I did a little digging at the Italian Patent Office. In 1799, days before the Battle of Marengo in Italy, a Corsican alchemist applied for a patent of a compound called "Sciofiere Timpani" which loosely translated means "Release the Eardrum". It was described as a tonic to permit people to hear better. In the Battle of Marengo Napoleons forces captured the alchemist and extracted the formula. It worked all to well and drove people into a sonic nirvana much the way Detlof fell. It is now I remember in History class there was speculation as to why Napoleon was really exiled as it may have been for health reasons. Anyhow the alchemists families, with their Corsican ties continue to make the drug and sell it illegally. It was soon overshadowed by other opiates and wasn't heard of again. Funny thing is that the alchemists name was Gustavo Borodino Arturo Salvatore. Coincidence? Gotta do more digging. Slawney and Katharina, keep your eyes peeled, your ears to the ground something is happening.
Wirehead, does this mean that Alberto Bonaporta and G B A Salvatore could be related?? Please keep on digging! We're close to unravelling a mystery that's been kept behind closed doors -- I can feel it in my bones...
Anything but greg. The Bonaportas and Salvatores are mortal enemies (you know, one of those "family" things). One of the side effects to this drug was the ability of the consumer to have, how shall I say this, several flitchens a night, with or without butter. So with the combined ability to tranquilize, auralize and flitchenize, the families knew they were on to something. Now recently Pfizer, aren't they a Swiss company and makers of Viagra, was rumoured to be working with several psyciatrists in Europe for a drug to allow persons with personality disorders to hear things more clearly and ultimately help with treatment. I wonder if Detlof was one of those shrinks? I believe that both families are a little miffed at Pfizer and want their "cut" of the action and certainly don't want the others hand out.
Detlof may know something about the drug and all the players are trying to shut him up.
Now it's becoming evident that the "flittchens" may be a test group for this wonder Swiss drug that Detlof developed (back to the wall and all) and is getting NO CREDIT for. And doesn't that explain why Detlof is always falling asleep? You know, overuse it and all that......? Send an envoy down to the patent office quickly to ensure that Detlof's claims are not stolen away by Arthur S. Get on the plane, Katherina, now.
Stereokarter, I did not have to get on the plane, I was there. Things were very quiet for a long time, except for the strange noises from the prison, which nobody could explain. The good Dr. Böse afer unsuccessfully looking for Detlof's stash obviously left town. Also the flittchens were withdrawn, the streets again prim and proper as befits a Swiss town, awaiting the summer tourists. The Alberto gang was nowhere in sight as well. Things seemingly were slowy getting back to normal, when suddenly there were thousands of mice and quite a few legions of unsavoury rats, together with cats, dogs, birds, mules, horses, cows and what have you, that left town in panic. The people began to complain of dizzyness and pressure in their ears and strange feelings of panic. The situation had worsened so much, that most people started to evacuate, causing huge traffic jams as they tried to leave town. There was talk of mobilising the Swiss Army, because somebody obviously used some secret weapon against the town and its people. When the outside walls of the warden's quarters suddenly crumbled, the thing stopped. The birds were the first to come back, slowly life ebbed back into town, it was as if a spell was broken. Then suddenly I saw Detlof, who sober and cheerful and behind the wheel of a requisitioned Ferrari F40, with his stash well stashed around him, told me the following story:
One of his internee friends from the hospital managed to smuggle in a small portable "SiemensErsatzElektroschockgerät", the electrodes of which could in fact be mistaken for earphones. This was Detlof's chance. By telling everybody that he had a new walkman, which sounded better than anything Burmester or Ensemble could come up with, starting with the hulk from St. Moritz, he knocked everyone into a daze. When he got to the warden's quarters, he was welcomed with open arms, because the warden with Detlof's help had been tweaking his system for better bass performance, hoping for the final breakthrough, which D. had promised him. Well, that happened, but not quite in the way the warden had imagined, because after giving him the ES treatment, Detlof hooked up his Siemens to the warden's subwoofers, which in consequence sent out huge soundwaves in the range of 5- 10hz until they folded. The result was, what Detlof smilingly called the Jericho effect, the walls just crumbled. Detlof removed the rest of the butter hörnli, which he had used as protection from his ears and simply walked off. I'm sure we'll hear from him soon.