Tube selection

I am currently using Sovtek 12AX7WXT tubes in my preamp and CD player output stage. I like the full rich bass and midrange of the tubes but I feel the highs are lacking in air and frequency extension. I have tried the Mullard and Telefunken equivalents. The highs with respect to both of these tubes were superior to that of the Sovtek but the mids and bass of both tubes were much thinner than the Sovteks. Any suggestions with regards to any available tubes that combine the bass and mids of the Sovtek with the highs of the Mullard and Telefunken? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


As a designer of Professional Broadcast Audio Equipment, I am surprised about the discussions about Tube Sound. The characteristics of individual Tubes and Transistors of the same type vary by a very considerable margin. In good design, it is not good practise to rely on the specified characteristics of a particular active component such as for example a Tube. Instead, the design should allow for wide variations in gain, and be arranged to compensate for this. I have recently designed a Professional Valve Power Amplifier for serious Monitoring using ECC82/12AU7 in the driver circuitry. The design use generous Cathode Degeneration. Ie. what is known in solid state Amplifiers as nested or local feedback. Testing about 25 ECC82/12AU7 Tubes of various makes and ages, some used, I found no significant differences in overall performance of the amplifier, no doubt thanks to the way the Tubes were applied. An Amplifier relying on precise performance characteristics of Tubes or Transistors for that matter is badly designed. The Professonal Amplifier mentioned use either KT88 or 6550 Tubes in its output stages. There is practically no measured difference in performance between KT88 and 6550 Tubes except for overload behaviour. As expected, the 6550 Tubes produce marginally more power and overload more abruptly than the KT88 with the KT88's sonicly being more pleasant because of their softer overload behaviour. This is understandable and as expected considering Beam tetrodes versus Pentodes. I can see no reason for differences in sound quality between healthy Tubes used in low level stages other than poor or bad design of the circuitry in the first place.
Beam tetrode aboard Capt Kirk!

Damn it Kitch, I'm an audiophile not an engineer, but I'll try to coax a few more electrons from the Telefunkens before the Klingons are removed from Uranus.
I can relate to Albert's post regarding the low end capabilities of the Sovteks. I recently upgraded from a Modulus 3 to a 3a and have been listening with the Sovtek 6922's before dropping in my Siemens 6DJ8's. While they are not as smooth or cleanly detailed as the Siemens, the bass is just outstanding -- things are not broken in yet so sound may improve a bit more. Have things changed with Sovtek over the past few years? As I recall, the Sovteks that were in my Mod3 in 1993 didn't do anything right.

So far as 12AX7's are concerned, I just picked up some of the Mazda chrome plates from 1963 vintage for the imputs on my amp. This is a very nice tube all the way around. A good balance of smoothness, detail and extension. You may want to consider these as a more lively alternative to Teles and Mullards which might strike the balance you seek. Good luck.
Ouch, Albert! Even at warp speed, us over 50's could never pass a Klingon.
On the recommendation of Leafs, I bought Amperex 12ax7 from Andy at Vintage Tube Services. His choice for a little more top end than the Mullards or Telefunkens. They do sparkle a bit and don't give up anything in the bass. Very balanced.Steve, you should give them a try. Tested as lightly used, they were about $40 each and sound great.