How can I make my own acoustic materials?

I was wondering if I could make my own diffusion panels like those that RPG makes. Do you think these could be as effective as the RPG's? or the RPG's have something special?
Also, is there any good book or source in the web about how to construct acoustic treatments? I'd appreciate your help on this matter. GRACIAS!
Try checking out this site. Jon is an electrical engineer and works for a company designing Pro Sound equipment. He is well versed in pretty much every aspect of sound reproduction. Hope this helps... Sean
Yes you can. Here is what you do, Go to Home depot and ask them for Duct Board it comes in 4`x8` sheets which is coated fiberglass insulation and you can cut them anyway you like. Then you can go to a fabric store and pick out what ever material you prefer to cover them. Or you can call a card board facility and ask them for the sheets of cardboard that have the ripples in them and they are 2" thick. The duct board will be a better sound barrier than the card board but they will both help you acheive sonics benifiets. Good Luck P.S: It may be cheaper to just purchase the panels. Also I just remembered that if you go to an acoustical company they may have panel or the foam sound panels left over from a job they can sell you very cheap. I got mine that way. The place is called viber sceince in Branford Connecticut. :-
Be sure to ask Jon Risch about making your own room lenses. They work fantastically well and work best with no other room treatment. They are quite easy to build and Jon has the necessary info.
I have detailed DIY designs for three types of RPG-style diffusors which I'd be glad to email you. I used 1/2" medite for the first and have used Styrofoam (which does a fair amount of absorbing along with diffusing, more or less like RPG's Abffusor) after that, for lighter weight, easier construction. But any board could be used. My clones of RPG's Skyline work as well as the real thing, as far as I can tell. But then all my models are sure to work--the basic design behind them is precisely the same as RPG's. A little of the theory can be found in F. Alton Everest's "Sound Studio Construction on a Budget", maybe also in his "Master Handbook of Acoustics", but be sure to get the 4th edition. Jon Risch has detailed instructions for tube traps a la ASC but the construction looks a lot messier than my DIY projects--which do, however, call for a table saw or the like to cut the pieces. Good luck!
Goto (the infamous Zen amps website). They sell plans for room acoustic treatments. I just ordered plans for corner bass traps. Very cool...