Yes you can. Here is what you do, Go to Home depot and ask them for Duct Board it comes in 4`x8` sheets which is coated fiberglass insulation and you can cut them anyway you like. Then you can go to a fabric store and pick out what ever material you prefer to cover them. Or you can call a card board facility and ask them for the sheets of cardboard that have the ripples in them and they are 2" thick. The duct board will be a better sound barrier than the card board but they will both help you acheive sonics benifiets. Good Luck P.S: It may be cheaper to just purchase the panels. Also I just remembered that if you go to an acoustical company they may have panel or the foam sound panels left over from a job they can sell you very cheap. I got mine that way. The place is called viber sceince in Branford Connecticut. :-