Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear

It seems like all the high-end dealers I have bought from or talked to think that Mcintosh is living on it's past reputation. The 2 stores that carry it locally are more mid-fi stores than high-end. I have a friend that swears by it but he hasn't listened to his Mcintosh in over 2 years. What do you think?
It's somewhat ironic and amusing that a Krell owner questions whether or not Mac is high end.
I have owned alot and I calls 'em as I sees 'em! In retrospect, Mac was at least warm and friendly sounding. When I spout off it's from passion, experience and an absolute perspective..don't take it to heart. Even though my Krell Evo and ARC Reference stuff didn't deliver, I do love the Krell KAV/Res 2 Colloms or Harley?...they even had to mention the 400xi as superior in some respects to the $50k stuff! See my 400xi review for more insight into my twisted brain (:
Brand is for the fashion conscious. I don't think you have to be fashionable to be a true audiophile although if you are very fashion conscious and shun Mcintosh because it no longer carries an aura of exclusivity....more fool you!
>>read Colloms or Harley?..they even had to mention the 400xi as superior in some respects to the $50k stuff!<<

I could care less what any of them think.

Reviewers are entertainers.
Sounds the the original poster is chasing a name brand every audiophile will applause to. Sorry that Mac in audio is not the same Mac as Iphone or Ipod.
It is hard to define a "true audiophile" since everyone can have their own opinion about who should/shouldn't consider an audiophile.
If you really passion about something then price and name brand doesn't matter. This is where DIY comes into play.
If you go to the diyaudio forum then they wouldn't think any commercial product can be any good.
I also owned Mac and heard Jadis and used krell and ML and PASS. Sure I have tried hundreds of cables before as well ( some cost up to 5K.) In the end, it is not how much you spend or which brand is the best. It is what goes into your ear that matters. Is Mac gear make you a geek or an audiophile? ( you became audio fools if your ear is based on name brand ) No. It is how things sound to you and not the wallet. A true audiophile owns good sense of what sounds good and doesn't care about meter measurements.