In Dash CD Players R.I.P.?

In another thread, I alluded to my disappointment in my iPod while driving my motorcyle today.

In the hopeful event that this technology gets much better, do you think CD players for the car might die an untimely death?

With the whole world moving to lousy MP3, it seems that major markets would be more than satisfied by just about anything that held 50 million crappy songs, in their car, their cell phone, the ignition key to their car, a kleenex or something.

I was so bummed on my commute today that I began to fantasize about my old Porsche and Nakamich CD-400, but then wondered if it would go the way of the dinosaur.

What do you think?
I don't know the time-line but,the double Din opening for indash CD/Tuner is giving way to touch screen navigation and DVD in many upscales. This trend is steadily growing.
Me...I hardly use the audio in our Pilot(just so-so tape/cd/dvd/navi performance) because,here in sunny California I need full attention on the road-crazies which are steadily growing in numbers as well.
On the open road XM or Siri would be enough for me.
don't forget that when using an ipod, you have the choice to rip your music using apple lossless codec. it sounds considerably better than mp3.
A friend who owns a high end shop and used to sell car audio got out of it because the car manufacturers are making it so you can`t put an after market deck in without having to use a bunch of adaptors. They want the return business at 4 times the price.
What's with all anti-MP3 the noise I'm hearing? Rip your CDs to 320k MP3, they sound pretty damn good to these ears and certainly more than good enough for the target environments.

I almost ran a Honda Pilot off the road the other day in Santa Monica, heheh.