Do CD-R's sound the same as originals

does a burned copy of a cd sound the same as the original
Hey Jerko, (C-eber), fighting and benchpressing have nothing to do with each other. I see your ideas on that topic are as incoherent as those on CD-Rs and regular CDs. I'm thinking I may want to do an A-B comparison with you on both.
I'm thinking you don't. Like hell they don't, you wouldn't want to get a punch from me...You will soon be gone from here, for the name calling, anyway. I'm sure it is YOU who will (or are already) using different aliases, so you'll never be gone from here completely, I guess. Maybe you'll just have a heart attack, or something...
Please explain to us all, in your own words, why CD-Rs sound worse than the originals if (i) there are no errors in the copying process, and (ii) the information is stored in a digital (i.e. discrete) format. Unless you dispute (i) or (ii) in which case also kindly please explain.
Carl Eber is correct in many ways. He is right about digital copies not being as good as the original. Think about this. If they were exactly the same, then ALL cd players and transports would sound the same too. Jitter is a big problem on computer CD-rs. Errors are also aplenty on copies. They show up like dither.. Carl is also correct about Joe Coherents character. He was kicked out of audioasylum for using multiple names and spamming others. His system soesn't sound like its capable of revealing the flaws in CD-r copies. All of the above is true. Carl, don't get all worked up over his comments. He is not worth the effort.
Your reasoning is completely wrong. You posted "If they were exactly the same, then ALL cd players and transports would sound the same too." What does that have to do with anything? We are not discussing whether there are differences between components. Only a moron would dispute that. Read my posts and when you have taken the trouble to understand their meaning correctly please reformulate your point. As to your final comment, it is clear that you are not registered in this forum yourself or are spannig for someone else, hence the use of an e-mail as your moniker. If people like you are eber's only friends he is in trouble. Cheerio.