TOP TEN replies you don't want from your spouse ..

1) "That tubey thing of yours was really hot and glowing, so I poured cold water over it ... now it doesn't look like it's overheated anymore."

2)"That was a rare album? Oh %$@#!, I sold it at the garage sale last weekend."

3)"How much did you say the new speakers cost? OK, now what are you buying me for 10 grand, dear?”

4)"Your Black Diamond Shelf is excellent for slicing tomatoes dear. And see, you can hardly smell a thing"

5) "The guy at the hi-fi store said he couldn't give me a 100 bucks for that old tube amp. Neither of us had heard of Jadis, so we agreed on 75 bucks, and I used the money to buy a new dress."

6)"It didn't sound good there, so I moved it over here."

7) "These old speaker cables will make great twist-ties if I cut 'em up."

8) "The guy at the repair shop said it wasn't too bad of a crack and the parts shouldn't take more than 12 weeks to come from Germany. Can get another turntable from the pawn shop in the mean time?"

9)"The Bose system sounds better and those little speakers, Oh, they’re so cute."

10) "What'd ya mean you'd rather listen to music?... don't you find me attractive any more?"
17) Look, I got you a new/better cd player, this pioneer holds 300 discs instead of just the one that the Naim held.
18) What tubes dear? Oh! the art deco lamp bulbs with the funny prongs! I put them in the pot plants -- don't they look nice on top of the sound boxes?

Audiotomb, your last is a nightmare (shudder)...
1. "Honey, I dried my panties on your amp."

2. "Honey, when are you expecting the next shipment for your audio equipment from UPS?" - not knowing she's having an affair the UPS delivery guy.

to be continued.....
"Why don't you like it? The potted plant matches the speaker."

"What's wrong with twist-tying all the cords together to get them out of the way?"

"Why can't we buy that? Its all in one box."