Where have the long-time regulars gone?

With the holiday season here, I find myself thinking about friends and acquaintances, as well as the good people I have met here on Audiogon. Next month will mark the start of my fourth year of participation on Audiogon, so it is with regret that I note how many of the long-time "regulars" who began this forum are no longer making posts (at least not with any regularity).

I miss the spirited exchange and occasionally sharp differences of opinion that were aired here (although I don't miss the nastiness that sometimes crept into some posts). I always enjoyed and/or learned from the posts by folks such as Albertporter, Cornfedboy , Garfish, Bob Bundus, Tireguy, Trelja, Sc53, and others, and the forum section is the poorer for their absence.

So, I pose a 2-part question: where have the long-time regulars gone, and what will it take for them to return so that this forum section regains its vitality of old?
I agree with your post, I hope those Audiogoners are still reading but for what ever reasons just don't post. I miss them!
Audiogon is becoming a very boring place.Very few serious and interesting subjects.Too 'civilized' as well.Threads that get most responses are:'your favourite speaker finish' or 'the best edition of some Pink Floyd album',or 'what do I do if my girlfriend says no'.So, there is nothing to be surprised with.
I am not sure if I qualify to answer here, but since I have recently passed 300 threads, I guess I may qualify for at least "irregular" status.
I only try and answer those threads which meet some narrow criteria:
1. Try to encourage and help newbies.
2. I have first hand or recent experience with the products in question.
3. I avoid trolls wherever possible, don't even read'em.
4. Try not to repeat what is already said.
5. Anything about music is always interesting.
I have noticed fewer opportunities to respond recently, and am concerned as I think the hobby itself has been slowly shrinking.
the usa economy sucks big time, so my legal practice (regrettably for this tiny community, as others) flourishes. more so than in the (hard-to-believe) past 34 years. i have NO free days available from now 'til mid-january. i turn down a couple of potential clients 'most every day. ok, i'll not work on 12.25.02. but i've not yet bought a single chritstmas gift. don't know when i will.

i lurk here ever so often and, now and then, continue to serve as auiogon's "mouthpiece." i'm truly burnt out, tho, and find the great majority of queries in the forums repetitive and, consequently, producing just slightly more than ennui.

i truly hope things change for us all in 2003 (but for the earnings i realize as a litigator and specialist in complex bankruptcies). audiogon is still the best of its ilk. thus, i am honored for my inclusion in sdcampbell's list of those who contributed to its flavor.

That one's easy... everyone who has ever been a serious audiophile is still around and just as addicted as ever, just maybe on a less active, voyeuristic level. It's not an addiction that you ever become completely indifferent about. So the short answer specifically regarding the 'whereabouts' of the likes of cornfedboy, Albertporter, trelja, tireguy, et. al., is that they (like me) may now, and from time to time over the last couple of years, are able to sedate their addiction with just 'quick hits' of their several fave audio sites and then return focus to life's more necessary concerns, which in reality puts this materialistic hobby into 'real' perspective. Lack of jobs, family stress, IRA/sucurity shrinkage (or vaporization), etc. that has really waylayed a HELL of a lot of people for the last couple of years. It may not be noticeable to those that are unaffected, but the brass knuckles economic crisis has, for many folks, made the fight for basic survival a full time focus. Did for me. Went from $150K/year to unemployed for 9 months. IRA from $500K to $5K. You get the point. During that time, I still visited audiogon, the asylum, stereotimes, soundstage, etc., just maybe only 5 days a week vs. 7, and for a total of 20 mins/day instead of 2 hours. And I haven't bought anything for over a year - partly cuz I'm finally happy with my system, partly cuz I was flat busted. Anyway, I'll stop there - point is, once an addict, always an addict, it's just maybe not as consuming as it can be when you have fewer concerns. Just one early 40's father of 4, corporate guys experience/opine/answer. Like all else said here, worth -0- or something; take it like you want..

Johnnybravo out.