Where have the long-time regulars gone?

With the holiday season here, I find myself thinking about friends and acquaintances, as well as the good people I have met here on Audiogon. Next month will mark the start of my fourth year of participation on Audiogon, so it is with regret that I note how many of the long-time "regulars" who began this forum are no longer making posts (at least not with any regularity).

I miss the spirited exchange and occasionally sharp differences of opinion that were aired here (although I don't miss the nastiness that sometimes crept into some posts). I always enjoyed and/or learned from the posts by folks such as Albertporter, Cornfedboy , Garfish, Bob Bundus, Tireguy, Trelja, Sc53, and others, and the forum section is the poorer for their absence.

So, I pose a 2-part question: where have the long-time regulars gone, and what will it take for them to return so that this forum section regains its vitality of old?
Learning curve for one. Also don't want to bother arguing. Sean, etc. are still around and help a lot of people. Let's thank them.
sluggo, the eldest of our four west highland white terriers, died on thanksgiving day, 2002. god, how i miss him! he signed all the posts i composed, after some of his usual minor editing. the poobahs of audiogon banned him, when a few thin-skinned targets of his "clothesless-emperor" ripostes took offense. he shan't return, tho one of his ilk may yet try to replicate his tyrannical humor. he was my favorite, too.

Kelly: I understand all too well how you feel with Sluggo's passing. About 15 years ago, I had 4 miniature Schnauzers that I was nuts about. I had to have all of them euthanised over a roughly 14 month period, and I was a basket case after each one. Maybe Sluggo and my 4 faithful hounds are cavorting together in the great beyond...

I always knew that was you.

But, who drank the scotch, you or Sluggo?

I am sorry about your loss.

Kelly, very sorry for your loss. Sdcampbell, I'm sorry for you as well, I can't imagine how you dealt with that. At the risk of appearing petty, Schnauzers are hunds not hounds. Did you ever get a new hund?