How Often Do You Listen To Live Music??

I suspect there has been a thread about this in the past. But I wonder how many Audiogon listeners actually go out to listen to live music each month. Speaking for myself, I attend at least one Symphony concert each month; as well as going to a non-classical concert or club every three or four weeks.
And while I love listening to my system at home; I find that live music is just much more dynamic - especially in a good room or hall with decent acoustics.
With a 4 and 6 year old we dont get out too much (extra $40 for a baby sitter) but i play drums in a band 3 or 4 times a month so I guess that counts as being at a live music event.
I am looking forward (in some ways) to the kids getting older so we can start to go to the Austin Symphony on a regular basis like we did pre kids.
Until that time, I will make do with my ever growing stereo system.
Try to get out every month or 2 but I too find the acoustics and bad mixes tough to listen to. Though, today, I had an experience that almost made me want to sell the system.(not really) I went to buy a few groceries and heard a voice singing opera. I thought it must be from some store but then I saw that this woman (obviously trained) was the source. Across the street and through traffic I heard an almost unearthly voice. I don't attend operas and my exposure is only through recordings but this was unreal. I never knew what the real voice sounded like. So present and piercing almost defying the distance between us. Have to check out a soloist sometime soon.
Hey All,

I don't get to live music shows often enough. The last show I attended was Live opening for Jane’s Addiction at Madison Square Garden last year. I went to see a co-worker who did an acoustic one man show down in the village. Before the Garden show I went to see Sting at the Paramount in 1996. I'm really looking forward to my anniversary on Friday, I got tickets for the Dave Mathews Band at the Garden. That should be a great show, I love Dave Mathews. I use many of his recordings as demos for new additions to my system. The best show I have ever witnessed was U2 at Constitution Hall in DC back in 1984. It was intimate, about 7000 people, and every once in a while, it seemed that Bona was singing right to me. I was 16th row orchestra and I’ve never had better seats for a show since. It was great......John
Live classical only about 25x per year now... for many years we used to average 50-60 concerts a year (all kinds of ensembles) when times were financially better!