Hi end audio who cares

During the holidays i had alot of people over my house.
MY wife would insist that i play my stereo for these
people,why i do not know.

Here are some comments that i got(is that a bose)
(We have panasonic at home,we justlove it)
(how much you pay for all that stuff)
(why do you need such big speakers)

I did not one comment such as(wow thatsounds great)
Next time we have company i am hiding the power cords!
I am happy that my wife will often come up and listen to music with me (I may have to fix her a martini). She is the only one that I want to impress. She does not bitch when I spend money on "records and wires".
Yeah I've found that the majority of people just don't care! I mean they like music, and the quality level of the playback system means very little to most. Unless they're into it. It's nothing they couldn't live without.
I've come to accept the fact that hi-end means more to me than it does to the VAST MAJORITY of "the rest of the world" in general. I mean, after all, it's all vanity in the end. I've had friends over on many occasions to listen to my system. Most of them say that sounds really good, and they could care less 2 minutes later...that's a fact.
I guess my excitement level is personal for this stuff, and maybe always will be. I also notice that a lot of people like myself, who have a passion for HIGHER FIDELITY sound, tend to be "loners" and like to have time to themselves to "escape" or "dissapear" from it all. Hummmm...maybe hi-fi is somewhat of an "anti-social" thing. Maybe if I want to be more of a party guy, I should dump my "hi-end" and get some Cerwin Vegas and be done with it...
Oh well....probably not.
To these people I draw an analogy between our "hobby" and wine...while I can appreciate in a limited way the difference between a modest table wine and something better, I would never spend over $30 on a bottle of wine. But show me some shiny tungsten-carbide ball bearings...well, the checkbook comes out!
It's a mix . . . . my dad heard my system, and went home and dug out all his old records and his old Panasonic system and started hooking everything up. I bought him a new Rotel TT for Christmas and gave him a Denon DD/DTS receiver that I had in the bedroom . . . . now he's thinking (with some SMALL nudging from me) that maybe he could do better than those giant cardboard Panny speakers . . . .

On the other hand, some of my uncles heard the system (in HT mode) on Christmas Eve . . . . one started joking about the size of my "woopers" and the other noted that the balrog made the water in the toilet bowl ripple . . . .

Don't give up -- SOME people will get it if you give them a chance . . . .

Just tell 'em it's a Bose with a "Hemi" in it. They'll think you're cool...

Have a great New Year!!!