Why do all of you care what other people think of your systems? It's because the high end is about the equipment, showing off and stroking your own egos. Just like the palatial houses and high-end cars. What the audio high-end is NOT about is the music. The "great unwashed" are the true music lovers. They don't care what they play it on as long as they can play the music THEY like. The high-end snobs put down the real music lovers just so they don't feel like idiots for buying those $1,000 cables.
You people should get down and kiss the feet of the mass-market buyers and millions of Mariah Carey, Barry Manilow and Michael Jackson fans. They are the ones paying the bills for the recording studios, pressing plants, technical research and everything else audio. Not your puny 1/10 of 1% market share. If it wasn't for tin ears, we would still be listening to Edison cylinders and paying thousands for each recording. If there were no Ford Model Ts there would be no refineries and no roads. And no Mercedes-Benz nor Ferrari.
Instead of tearing other people down just to make yourselves feel big, just think about it.