Hi end audio who cares

During the holidays i had alot of people over my house.
MY wife would insist that i play my stereo for these
people,why i do not know.

Here are some comments that i got(is that a bose)
(We have panasonic at home,we justlove it)
(how much you pay for all that stuff)
(why do you need such big speakers)

I did not one comment such as(wow thatsounds great)
Next time we have company i am hiding the power cords!
I find it comically sad that a person would feel superior to the "masses" because he/she is in to hi-fi. Try to get a little perspective.
Why do all of you care what other people think of your systems? It's because the high end is about the equipment, showing off and stroking your own egos. Just like the palatial houses and high-end cars. What the audio high-end is NOT about is the music. The "great unwashed" are the true music lovers. They don't care what they play it on as long as they can play the music THEY like. The high-end snobs put down the real music lovers just so they don't feel like idiots for buying those $1,000 cables.
You people should get down and kiss the feet of the mass-market buyers and millions of Mariah Carey, Barry Manilow and Michael Jackson fans. They are the ones paying the bills for the recording studios, pressing plants, technical research and everything else audio. Not your puny 1/10 of 1% market share. If it wasn't for tin ears, we would still be listening to Edison cylinders and paying thousands for each recording. If there were no Ford Model Ts there would be no refineries and no roads. And no Mercedes-Benz nor Ferrari.
Instead of tearing other people down just to make yourselves feel big, just think about it.
You go listen to your mariah carey,michael jackson and barry whats his name.I am going fishing!
I've been lucky like Mikec; even recently, a musician was sitting mesmerized listening to LP after cd after LP...
For many (myself included) hi-end is about the MUSIC the machines play -- NOT the machines as an end. If this were the case, we'd probably own no more than 20 pieces of audiophile s/ware between us.
And Broubin, your account of profit contribution in the recording industry doesn't tally with Universal's; it's on the contrary these snobs (tin-eared and otherwise) often buying the hideously expensive stuff that are usually targeted for mid & longer term profit...
OTOH, as long as we're healthy & well, does it really matter? Cheers all!
Sometimes they just have to be taught. My sister was one who thought it imbicilic to spend so much until I got her into an audio store. As we recently demoed a replacement amp and speakers, her budget increased to the superior musicality of higher end equipment. For someone who thought a month ago that the enjoyability of music is the music itself, she discovered that the true enjoyment lies in hearing all the music that is meant to be heard. She planned on spending a $1,000 for speakers until she heard the difference between $1,000 and $3,000. Her Tyler Reference Monitors arrive this week and no one could be prouder than she. We have a convert!