CES 2003: Which products impressed you?

For those who had the opportunity to make it and for those who could not, fellow audiogoners please provide your feedback. Thnks
Bel Canto new DCD is very imppressive. See my response under the other CES 2003 posting by F_S Audio.
Theil speakers impressed me the most, maybe because I've never heard them before, but I couldn't close my mouth during the HT demo or the music demo. On the lower end Klipsch had three new speakers to replace the RF3II that sounded pretty good. They toned down the horns a bit, so it doesn't sound to bad on acoustic or jazz music. The only thing that I didn't like was several speaker manufactures didn't have their speakers hooked up. Granted, I couldn't afford some of those speakers, but it would have be nice to hear them since there's no local retailer.
This was my first time attending CES and I had a great time. I finally understand how difficult it is to get a good impression of equipment at these shows because of the gabbing masses, open doors, muliple playing systems and sub-optimal room environment. Regardless, I had a great time and I'd probably go again.
For the most part I avoided the loud boom boom rooms and mostly visited the quieter ones, so I may have missed out on some good demos. Here are some impressions of rooms I remember at the Alexis Park Resort.

The first place I visited was the Spendor room. Lot's of tech people talking here, but I managed to get a quiet audition in a separate room of the S3/5 and new S3/5SC monitors. Amplification I believe were by a company called Talk Electronics. This was my first ever listen of the S3/5 and I was surprised how easy and mellow they were. I could listen to them all day, but I also felt they lacked some life. The S3/5SC with the upgraded crossover had a much more extended and peppier presentation.

I've always been curious about Unison Research, so I ran to that room. In the main room a Unico [not the Unico-i] integrated was hooked up to a pair of Opera speakers. Lively, musical, with a large, focused soundstage, this was definitely one of my favorite rooms of the whole show. But, I forgot to return on day two and take pictures here!!!!

Who says the French are rude? The people in the Triangle/Cairn room were friendly and lighthearted, and the Celius floorstanders on hand sounded big and bold. Concert piano sounded very impressive. Open, fresh, and very involving. Also a very focused sonic image possibly due in part to the toe-in of the speakers, but lacking some bottom end and a bit glassy when pushed hard, overall a very good set up. Very lifelike. Nice!!

Audio Analogue was also using Triangle speakers in their room, Zays to be specific, with their monster Maestro integrated to push them. Big, big sound, but a vague sonic image possibly due to the flat alignment of the speakers without toe-in. A very nice room hosted by very nice Italians. My first experience with AA left me quite impressed. I remembered to take pictures here.

The Totem room was one of the most inviting. A warm, cozy setting with a beautiful African motif, candles and a gorgeous brunette [better looking than most of the women at the Adult Expo, maybe it was her suit] who kept kneeling and adjusting the McIntosh electronics while I was sitting on the couch. A second system in the same room 90° off-axis to the main McIntosh set up was being run from a Plinius 8200 integrated. Very nice as well. Both set ups exuded an open, natural, musical experience. My first experience with Totem speakers left me very impressed.

The McCormack/Grand Prix Audio room had stacks of silver-faced gear sitting on carbon fiber and acrylic stands. Speakers I believe were Wilson Audio. Lot's of people and loud music that came to a stop about fifteen seconds after I got to the doorway. Many people were eager to bend Steve McCormack's ear so I just did a single swoop through and left.

As the owner of Response 1SCs and Tablette 50 Signatures, I entered the ProAc/Modern Audio room with pride. The showcase speakers looked like Response 3.8s but with bigger drivers [I didn’t check to see what they were], and the electronics behind them were delivered by Audio Research. I've read a lot about the synergy between ARC and ProAc here on the 'Gon, so this was going to be interesting. These big speakers were set way out in the room away from the back walls and they absolutely disappeared. The center focus was outstanding, with a very smooth character, but I couldn't help thinking that something was missing. Maybe a loss of some sonic cues due to a slight roll off at the top end? I'm not sure, but in my opinion my little ProAc setup wasn't that far behind this one.

I thought a break from music was in order so I paid a visit to the Music Tools suite. I've seen pictures of their Alica component stands here in the Audiogon classifieds, and I wanted to see them in person. Beautiful Italian racks [yeah I like those too], and Cristiano was a great host explaining the design and construction behind the Alica. Definitely a purchase consideration in the future.
While I was in the rack mood I swung over to the pARTicular room. Volkmar and Anne were very friendly and patient. The racks are stunning as well, more like sculpture. But Volkmar assured me that function wasn't completely thrown away in favor of form. They were offering discount show specials on certain pieces to avoid having them shipped back to San Francisco. I was ready to reach for my wallet!!

By this time, I started to realize my best experiences were with people from foreign lands and I sometimes felt ignored by my fellow American hosts. Hmmm...

So that led me to another “foreign” suite. Blue Circle! As the happy owner of Gilbert Yeung's BC21 and BC22, I was excited to meet the man himself. I had heard he was a bit eccentric, but I wasn't prepared for the crazy, fun time I had there, the highlight of my two days at CES! A hint as to what was to come was the loud Hawaiian music being played through Martin Logan speakers as I entered the room being fed by the new BC21.1 preamp and BC28[I think] hybrid amp. This combo was both musical and extended without being overly bright, and I was surprised at the powerful bass. On hand was Kevin Allen of Harmonia Audio, one of Gilbert's best dealers and partner in crime. If I wasn't talking to Gilbert about the possible mods to my setup which even included adding the AG Series purpleheart faceplates. power supply upgrades or being entertained by this mad genius, I was given a full tour and demonstrations by Kevin. Kevin showed me the effects of the BC86 Noise Hound with a neat demo, and introduced me to the Blue Circle MusicRing Power Conditioner. These are two great, fun guys!

I completely missed out on the Pipedreams room and only peeked into the Lamm suite because it was so crowded. The Manley suite was always packed, and EveAnna Manley was constantly surrounded so I didn’t get a listen there. I guess being a rookie at these hifi shows I didn’t key into any new developments and probably missed out on a lot. I didn’t scrutinize what new sources were playing, I just went in and listened and tried to get an impression of the room as a whole. For that I apologize to my fellow Audiogoners. I had a great time and the impressions I have freshest in memory are of the fantastic people I met.
Thanks for the thorough review! Great job! I too am a Blue Circle fan and it hadn't occured to me to ask Gilbert about the AG faceplate...did he quote you a price? All the best,