My heart goes out to the families of Columbia

I just tuned in cnn to see the news of the explosion/break up of the space shuttle. My deepest sympathies to the families of the crew.
Slipnot1 - appropriate music - Arvo Part "Cantus in memory of Benjaman Britten. I can send it to you via email.
Ltkije - thanks for your kind offer. I think I may have a couple in mind: Morten Lauridsen "Lux AEterna" and Mahler "Symphony No.2 "Resurrection"" w/ Gilbert Kaplan and London Symphony
I do feel for the friends and families of the crew and the NASA agency in general. My uncle worked on the Apollo Space program, and I have met several of the first astronauts.

One interesting point... I remember reading an article that NASA scientists estimate that there is a about 2% chance of a catastophic failure every mission a space shuttle makes. The shuttles have gone on a bit over 100 missions (I think around 120) with two catastophic failures (Challenger and Columbia) which puts the failure rate at a little under 2%.

I think NASA really needs to re-evaluate the Space Shuttle designs because a 2% failure rate seems a little high (I know I would not drive or fly anything if I knew there was a 2% chance I would die doing it). The shuttle design is around 25 years old.... Yes, I know the shuttles have been updated through the years. However, NASA should be able to come up with something a bit more safe by now. Technology has changed considerably in 25 years, I think it is time to retire the shuttle design (ASAP) as soon as we can replace it with something better.

KF, I know it's easy to drift off onto related subjects, but lets keep the focus of this thread on the crew of Colombia. If you wish to start another thread more on your topic, I will gladly participate.

For now, may all of us remember the remarkable and courageous individuals that were lost today aboard the Colombia. They knew their journey was inherently perilous, and yet they chose to participate because of the common dream that has always inspired explorers. They were among the best and the brightest, and we should honor them through remembrance and continued support for their dreams of advancement, both scientific and of the human spirit. In an age when the norm seems to be distrust and fear and hatred, NASA, through these gifted few, so clearly demonstrated the ability for humankind to transcend ethnic and religious differences. As we appear poised on the brink of war, let us hope that this tragic loss might produce a pause for all Nations to weigh the ramifications for the potential loss of loved ones on all sides. To the families of the crew of Colombia, we extend our sincerest condolences. To the crew of Colombia, though you will be sorely missed, your inspiration and sacrifice will not be forgotten. Thank you.