what really happened to j. skul

why did j skul get fired from stereophile?
dear j-10
every months for audio ,i m reading,2 american,3 french,2-3 u.k,2-3 germany,1 japonese magasins.and every day i m spending few hours at internet for audio.because im audio nuts for a more than 20 years now.
for me you were really one of the best reviewer.i m really missing your review
votre depart de stereophile pour moi etait le debut dela fin pour la revue.
i would like you meet you one day(on a deja un ami commune ,mr.stein).

j10, i didn't like archibald's views on politics or audio and i really didn't like it when he inserted his politics into a hobby magazine,but you have to admire a guy who put his butt on the line in those buses.sort of makes the silly little pissing duels in audio pale in significance doesn't it.
Oh Capeguy, why resurrect all that? LA really did very little in the way of inserting his politics. He wrote a monthly column that occasionally strayed from the main topic of the magazine. And for that, people canceled their subscriptions. If he'd been one of those wacko Henry Hyde types who care more about what goes on under the president's desk than what goes across it, I would have thought him silly but still supported his right to speak his mind in his own magazine.

Veering off the topic further, haven't quite a few Stereophile staffers just sort of vanished over the years? Some, like WP, got a decent send-off and others just disappeared from the masthead (not sure who without exhaustively searching back issues but possibly BS, GL, LL, DAS). Maybe I just didn't read carefully enough, but hell, I read many an issue twice!

For the record, I rarely had much interest in the stratospheric equipment that J-10 reviewed, but I found his reviews consistently well written and his column both informative and entertaining. And if, as I think has been implied here, he was the gatekeeper or go-between for hooking up reviewers with equipment, I think he did a damn good job.
J10, my post was not an attack on you. I don't know anything about you professionally or personally to make any comments.
I didn't say your responses have no useful purpose. It's fine to defend yourself. Like I said, I just don't see this thread as having any useful purpose. As in, what does dragging someone through the mud accomplish?
lostinspaceandtime,i agree, i was commenting on the js post telling us about archibalds time on the freedom buses,the guys political views are not mine but he walked the walk and had mucho stones. i was not one of the rabid right who cancelled,i liked the mag to much for that,but i felt then as i do now,a hobby mag is not newsweek.sheesh. end of the larry story.peace and music.