How long is too long to wait for shipping?

Is there a common understanding of the maximum acceptible delay between receiving payment and shipping the item? What have you done when it has been exceeded?
A private sale, 2 weeks is extremely generous. Things can happen though. If a dealer had to order an item, it can be a very long wait!
Are you paying by personal check? Many sellers require a 10 business day period for checks to remain cleared. Also some sellers verify that money orders and/or certified checks are legit, since there have been some cases of fraud with them as well. Were terms agreed to in advance?
I try my best to accommodate buyers. Howver, if paying by personal check, it does take 10 business days for my (your) bank to be sure it is not a returned item. Often, I look for an 800 number of the bank to call them to verify if the check cleared. Half of the banks will tell you; the other half will only tell you if the funds are available, which means nothing if there is a stop on the check, or if other checks bring the balance down to below the amount of the check writtent to you.

I also try to verify money orders and bank checks, as they can be stopped in some instances. I have my items packages before the check arrives most of the time, but I have had instances where some jerk never sends the check at all, and then I have to relabel the box, or even rebox because the item doesn't sell, or, in the case of tubes, someone wants a different quantity.
Thanks, good input so far. This question came up for me when a seller didn't acknowledge a certified check for 4 days after delivery, replied crudely to my inquiry, and then wouldn't set a certain shipping date. I agree with those who say a week is a reasnoable max, with accomodation for surprises, as long as communication occurs.

Communication is the key. Sellers should be aware that until the product arrives, all the buyer has for his money is faith, and good communication keeps that faith strong.
Sometimes people forget that the seller has the right to wait for a personal check to clear unless you make other arangements. Once I receive payment via pay pal money order or cleared check , I call UPS for a pickup the next day. Whenever I buy or sell an item I usually try to get/give a commitment on exactly what will happen. A friend of mine got a negative on ebay on an auction that stated no personal checks because he waited a week for the check to clear.It is also a good idea to request that the seller send you the tracking number when it ships.Any delay in sending payment or shipping should be discussed up front and agreed to by both parties.