Rogue vs ARC

I wonder the Rogue M150 or M180 is on par with the VT100 or Ref 110 from Audio Research. They seems to be voiced as moden tube sound but I have not been able to listen to the Rogue.
Sorry if you mistook my post as a personal attack.

However when a poster with obvious lack of experience trashes a company that makes high quality components it's important to understand the basis of his/her comments. That was the reason for my request. Any component can sound poor in the wrong system.

Many readers rely on these threads for accurate information and it's unfortunate that folks making accusations such as this can harm or damage a fine company's reputation based on limited experience or conjecture.

I have many hours of listening time with both ARC and Rogue; each of them offer good value and high reliability.

No financial interest with either company
It is good to have plenty of checks and balances here and I appreciate Audiofeil pointing things out or making people aware of certain things. Everything needs to be put forth in the right context. I think using clarifying statements like "in my system" or "my room" is an easy way of keeping things in context. So that leaves an out that maybe in your room or your system you will get a different sound with the same component rather than making absolute statements about on product being outright better than the other.
I don't think this is a fair comparison. The Rogues are monoblocks and the output power rating wpc is significantly higher than the ARC. Both of these companies offer fine products. Audiofeil has already provided the best answer.
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Any legitimacy to the statement that the Rogue is made cheaply? Not a question of sound here, but parts, fit, trim etc. Even if so does not mean they do not sound as good as ARC, but is it really a lower level of construction (something worth paying extra for, for some folks.)