Rogue vs ARC

I wonder the Rogue M150 or M180 is on par with the VT100 or Ref 110 from Audio Research. They seems to be voiced as moden tube sound but I have not been able to listen to the Rogue.
They are both good but different along the line Dave Mitchell outlined above I believe from what I have seen and heard.

I've heard top notch results from a system using ARC sp17 pre-amp, a larger Rogue power amp (can't recall exact model) and PSB Synchrony speakers. Same system using Usher and Magnepan speakers was still OK but not as good to my ears.
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An Audio Research D350 came into my local shop recently to be sent out for repair. The owner had called ARC to arrange for them to repair it but they said that it was never a very good amp to begin with and recommended that he just buy something new. The owner was quite angered by the hassle he encountered and was not impressed that they said it was never a very good amp to begin with.

The amp was sent somewhere else and was repaired.
Tvad, I agree. I think circuits are much more important than parts in many, many cases. At least, they are more fundamental to the sound of a piece.
Reynolds853, Could it be that ARC's comment was more about the high cost of shipping & repairs for this heavy early SS model, relative to moving up to something newer? AFAIK, ARC still likes to promote its support for every product they ever made.

Also ARC's relatively brief flirtation with SS may account for their dismissive attitude about D350. IMO it is a shame that ARC pretty much abandoned SS after some promising early efforts. For example I have held on to a PH-2 MM phono stage that I purchased in the mid-'90s and have been experimentally updating with many better piece parts. The parts mods take the piece close to current reference standards, and IMO only serve to validate the strength of the original circuit design.