Luxman M-600A

I am thinking of switching to this amplifier. Anyone share any experiences? I have a Pass XA30.5 now. Also, where to possibly hear one or get one? Thanks
>>04-03-10: Faxer
On a very revealing speaker. The differences are more apparent<<

Differences are differences; it doesn't mean "miles better in every sonic character" as you stated. So you are wrong here.

>>The Luxman sounds more organic than the Pass, the Pass has a warm sound as well but at the expense of a distinct sonic character<<

In your opinion. You're only one inexperienced listener.

>>Luxman does not use off the shelf Plitron transformers. They use an in house hand wound transformer which is actually bolted to the mains using a pure copper bus bar.<<

Another difference that does not necessarily make it better.

You really need to bone up on some listening and stop typing.
OK does 31 years of experience sound.

I'm the very proud owner of a Luxman M-05...for the third time. I keep returning to this amp. I recently had a Luxman M800a in my home to try out with my Harbeth M40's, loved the amp, it's sonic signature is near identical to my 26 year old M-05.

I have had the opportunity to have a number of Pass amps in my home over the years...the XA amps are nice, but Luxman they are not.

In the land of Class 'A' design Luxman has the upper hand, they have had the upper hand for what seems like forever...and don't even get me started on tubes.

Rick, audiofilth always felt that he is the only person who knows how the listen and the rest are inexperience .
He should stop typing and start selling " I knw analog " . If we know analog we should learn how to response respectfully.
Appropriate, for words that come out from his mouth is nothing more than filth. Check his postings. Nothing positive to said , all high and mighty words as though he is the only person who " I know analog". Full of filthy words. Since he things that he is the official police man of audiogon, I shall appoint myself as the official sweeper of filth fr audiofilth. If a person don't knw how to respect others he doesn't deserve to be respected