Luxman M-600A

I am thinking of switching to this amplifier. Anyone share any experiences? I have a Pass XA30.5 now. Also, where to possibly hear one or get one? Thanks
Pinkus, poor audiofeil has to deal with this highly opinionated , but oft ille informed clientele to make a living?

Correct me if I m wrong . Isn't it easier for dealer to make a living out of ill- informed clientele? When I got into audio I started with a cheap set up of RM6700 ( my currency) to RM100k+ within a year. I was so gullible that I accepted whatever accessories my dealer throw to me, so much so that every component is on a BDR footer. Yes I was ill-informed , gullible and trusted and it was easy to make money from me simply because I m excited with my new found hobby and I can afford. Today , after 4 yrs into the hobby it's not that easy to make money from me. I search the Net , I buy direct from manufacturer if they don't have a dealer in my country eg I bought my Reed 2P direct at easily 30-40%cheaper than thru dealer. I bought a multichannel amp Halcro MC5 brand new at close to 50% of retail price from audiogon .
So pinkus , it's good for dealers to have ill-informed pple like me so that it's easy to make money from us
Audiogon has changed the market, for better or worse. It has certainly hurt dealerships. And, it has created a host of armchair critics and authorities. I can certainly understand Audiofeil's frustrations.
Chasas1, I have a different opinion. Because of audiogon and internet, I purchased bryston bda-1, lessloss cable, halcro MC5 etc, ortofon a90, dynavector xv-1s, tron seven reference, Bottlehead Tube repro etc etc products which I dont have the opportunity to demo in my country but I purchased due to the awareness and interest created thru website like audiogon. Therefore, I would say the awareness created thru audiogon may help dealers. However, it certainly would not help obnoxious dealers who are frustrated and resort to posting in audiogon to vent their frustrations. Posting respectfully begets respectful response.
Happy listening
"Therefore, I would say the awareness created thru audiogon may help dealers"
Why? It appears most of your purchases weren't at a dealers. Oh, you're saying someone can stroke a dealer and glean all the info they can, then go buy online...with great respect.
Yes, happy listening...
"Oh, you're saying someone can stroke a dealer and glean all the info they can, then go buy online..."

Where did you get that? What he stated is that thru this site he has become aware of products not available at his location and that others may have had a similar experience. Dealers are only one part of the network here. Hi-end dealers benefit from a more knowledgeable customer just as in any other business.