Monster Power conditioners. Anyone using one?

Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I know that there are much more expensive power conditioners out there. I've read all about the Changs, Audio Magics, Richard Gray, Shunyata,PS Audio etc.

The thing is, my gilfriend wants to buy me a $300 gift and unfortunately, nothing I want is that inexpensive. I currently don't any power conditioning on my system.
I'm looking at the HTS3600 as a starter power conditioner. Any opinions or other suggestions?
Just because you have $300 to spend doesn't mean you should waste it on inferior power conditioning, that will, probably, have a deleterious affect on your sound system. It sounds, to me, that is where you're heading. Save your $$ for an Audio Magic Stealth Mini (used) and buy yourself, for the $300, two Lat International power cords. You'll be VERY happy while you save for some killer conditioning. peace, warren
Lak, you asked the Panamax is much better then what? not What is the Panamax better than? Panamax is better than Monster Cable for line conditioning and surge protection. I have been to the seminars and seen both products tested with noise sniffers and over-voltages Isn't that what this thread is about? Read the header.
Meech ,I have owned panamax ,tara labs ,adcom P/C.My good budies use PS audio and others $$ ones.I dont think there is huge diferances in the sound of these conditioners .Seems to me if its well designed should do the job .I could hear no diferance between panamax and monster or tara labs but the monster is easyer to use ,so apples to oranges.But power cords make a big diferance as well as patch cords.If your system is small maybe a PS audio ultimite outlet and PS audio wall outlet would be a good choice if not monster, panamax,adcom ace .Doest really mater.I have seen a few of my rich friends throw lots of money at AC filtration and dedicated lines, It made a diferance but it was small etc. a dedicated 20amp line.Well worth doing .Take care and happy listening
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Geez guys tell it how ya feel why dont ya.

I use a HTS3600, it made a noticable improvement in the noise floor. My main amp plugs directly into the wall. Only my Pre, sources, DAC, Sub controller, TV, SAT, etc make use of the HTS3600.

I plan on trying a PS audio ultimate outlet with the main amp, I want to clean it up and give a modicum of surge protection without sacrificing dynamics.

It is my understanding that the HTS3600 will only provide about 1800 watts and 10amps give or take. Not enough, IMO, for my main amp, but plentiful for all the other stuff.

For the peace of mind (surge protection) it was worth it to me. Some power conditioning is better than none.

Did I mention it looks really cool too.

Sure there are better and if you can afford them go for it, Audio Magic comes to mind, along with PS audio, richard Grey, etc.

Its a toss up between Panamax and Monster IMO.

Hope that helps. Sounds like you have a "keeper" girlfriend, I wish mine would wanna help buy audio goodies.